So valuable, thank you! I always take off the 3 days of my period as that feels like a natural pause for me... and I am inspired to hear you give yourself a whole week off at the end of the month. I wonder what that would be like. I'm AuDHD so I worry that the ADHD part would just get too restless!

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You are very welcome, I'm so glad it was supportive! I actually got the idea of taking a week off at the end of the month by a coach (Shelby Leigh) that I briefly worked with. I love that you take at least 3 days off of your period, I'll add that my week off usually correspondes with my period so I really enjoy that spaciousness too. I'm also an AuDHDer (although my autism is dominant) but I think you can spend the week off in a variety of ways. Like you could use it to rest, spend time on creative projects, go on a hiking trip, spend time on special interests. For example, I suspect I'll be spending a fair amount of this week doing yard work and weeding. Which is actually quite fun for both my autism and ADHD.

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Thanks for sharing some of the variety of options there, Tiffany. My struggle in rest / downtime etc is staying off my laptop / phone since I live in a pretty isolated rural area and there just isn't that much going on! I spend as much time in nature as possible when the ever-changing weather permits. Interesting that you're AuDHD too with an autism dominant flavour. I think I veer between autism dominant and ADHD dominant depending on my cycle and other factors!

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Thank you for this article and reminding me of the importance of setting boundaries and preserving spoons when it comes to social media.

I too struggle with how to market myself if NOT using socials - but I increasingly find them draining and putting me into a bust cycle.

I find Notes to be a much happier and more supportive place - so I’m spending some time with how that feels.

I so appreciated this piece!

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You are so welcome and thank you so much for sharing your comments about your own relationship to social media. I find it helpful to hear from other folks who are also sitting with the question of marketing without social media. Even though Substack is technically social media it also feels different to me and doesn't seem to impact me in the way that other forms of social media platforms do. I'm so glad to hear that you enjoyed this piece, thank you for sharing that!

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Substack feels SO different! I wasn’t expecting it - and for the first little while I almost gave up on notes because it was complete crickets. But as I’ve stuck with it I’m seeing not only its value but the FUN of it. Other social media doesn’t feel fun. It feels like exhausting whack a mole with trolls and bad actors just to get to the people who actually WANT to engage.

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Ohh, thank you for sharing this! I haven't spent tons of time on notes so I might have to explore this! I agree that other types of social media don't feel fun! I do sometimes enjoy TikTok when I see it as just "I'm going to make a video, post it and then leave." But I think that's because teaching on video can sometimes feel fun to me. But Substack feels cozy and also like there's more room for depth and nuance on here.

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The depth and nuance is what’s making all the difference I think. People are interested in having real discussions. They aren’t just looking for clicks or shouting at each other.

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I agree! I also like how it feels like a slower pace than short form social media apps.

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Yes, interested!

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Awesome, thank you for letting me know. I'll add that the structure I'm thinking of is: a one off class which would include: brief check-in via chat (aka how is everyone doing), some grounding, me teaching about a topic (I was thinking about sensory safety but I'm open to hearing people's topic requests) and then Q&A/community shares. Please let me know if that's something that you would be interested in!

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Perfect timing with your words, again 🩵

A group offering/zoom community would be really great! ☺️

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Thank you so much for your lovely comment, I always appreciate your comments!

Great re: group offering. I was thinking of a one off class which would include: brief check-in via chat (aka how is everyone doing), some grounding, me teaching about a topic (I was thinking about sensory safety but I'm open to hearing people's topic requests) and then Q&A/community shares. Please let me know if that's something that you would be interested in. If not, feel free to let me know what type of group offer you'd be more interested in.

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This was something I REALLY needed to read today, thank you! I’d definitely be interested in the Zoom hangs, if you decide you have the capacity to organize something like that!

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I'm so glad to hear that it was what you needed to read today-that makes me happy to hear! So for the Zoom thing this is a case of me exploring and seeing if leading a group course would feel accessible to me. A one off Zoom class feels like a potential next doable step for me. So I was thinking the structure could be: check in, nervous system regulation/grounding, me teach about a topic and then Q&A/community shares? Is that something that you would be interested in? I was thinking a potential topic could be be sensory safety but I'm open to topic requests!

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100% would be interested in a Zoom class with this set-up! Sensory safety is definitely a topic I'd like to hear about, and maybe also more about pacing and unmasking.

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Awesome, thank you for letting me know! I'll wait to hear back from a few others and then I'll share a google form with more info. Good to know that sensory safety is a good potential topic, I'll write down pacing and masking too as other potential topics! I'm looking forward to this :)

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Great, looking forward to it as well!

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